Our Communities – Conduct Guidelines
Welcome to Communities! We strive to create a positive and respectful community for all our users. To maintain this environment, we have established the following terms and conditions regarding inappropriate and negative comments. By using our platform, you agree to comply with these terms.
1. Definition of Inappropriate and Negative Comments
Inappropriate and negative comments include, but are not limited to:
- Hate speech, discrimination and derogatory remarks based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.
- Harassment, bullying, and threats of violence.
- Explicit, obscene or offensive language and content.
- False information, defamation, and personal attacks.
- Spamming, trolling, and off-topic comments.
2. Reporting and Review Process
- Users can report comments they believe violate these terms using the reporting feature available on our platform.
- Our moderation team will review reported comments to determine if they violate our terms.
3. Warning and Removal Policy
- First Violation: Users who post inappropriate or negative comments will receive a warning notification detailing the violation and advising them to adhere to our community guidelines.
- Subsequent Violations: Users who continue to post inappropriate or negative comments after receiving a warning will be removed from the platform. This includes the deactivation of their account and removal of their access to our services.
4. Appeals
- Users who have been warned or removed from the platform have the right to appeal the decision. Appeals can be submitted via our support channel at contact@ourcommunities.co.uk
- Our team will review appeals on a case-by-case basis and respond within 48 hours.
5. Amendments
- Communities reserves the right to amend these Content Guidelines at any time.
6. Acceptance
- By using our platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
Thank you for helping us to create a positive and respectful community!
For any questions or further information, please contact us at contact@ourcommunities.co.uk
The Communities Team